Monday, October 31, 2011


After much deliberation on the elements discussed in the previous post, we finally nailed down what we believe to be a great contender for what the final cabinet will look like.

During a very unsuspecting conversation with Patrick, our studio teacher, and a little messy sketch, the idea of having asymmetrical doors was born into our design process.

Other things we nailed down during this deliberation:

[1] Acrylic shelving for the interior and top materials, to allow light to cascade down through the cabinet as a whole and illuminate the merchandise that will be stored there.

[2] Celebration of the hardware, we came to the conclusion of having the hardware exposed and incorporated into the design rather than trying to conceal it.

[3] Hardware material, after discussion and review of the budget, we decided that brushed nickel would be the most cost effective material to use for the hardware of the entire cabinet.

[4] Cut outs, instead of using hardware for the door handles and drawer pull, we decided on having cut outs that would be the same shape as the curve for the top. This would create unity and visual appeal and can be seen in the sketch up below.

Here is a rough, computer generated sketch up of what we are envisioning for the cabinets final appearance:

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